Are you lacking desires,

For the manifestations of God’s Glory,

Never showing up to lead you,

To the deeper part of this love story?

Don’t be fooled to think it’s only,

The result of drinking full.

Satisfaction does not rest where,

The world’s nibbles have their pull.

Shake yourself to realize,

What is the true filling of your soul.

The small things you are eating of,

Crowd the space for GREAT to know.

This was not God’s design intentions.

He created your life for more.

There is an appetite inside you,

For true purpose He has in store.

This hunger can be awakened,

When other adorations are set aside.

A simple fast to deny them,

Will begin the turning tide.

*This much O God, I want you.

This much I want to see.

The depth of our beautiful story,

Written the way You meant it to be.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look

What do we REALLY want??!!!

Our mouth can so easily say one thing, but our actions play out another. If deep inside, we have that longing, that desire to KNOW God, and have that deeper relationship with Him, then it takes actions to see it all through.

This was a post meant for last week. I was away at camp meeting, and through wi-fi difficulties, was unable to set up the post. Earlier in that week, on Tuesday, I was preparing what I needed to write before I left. God brought this passage back to me, and as I sat reading it, tears were streaming down my face. . .

“if you don’t feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Your soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great. God did not create you for this. There is an appetite for God. And it can be awakened. I invite you to turn from the dulling effects of food and the dangers of idolatry, and say with some simple fast: ‘This much, O God, I want you.'” (John Piper, A Hunger For God)

It hit my core. We get so busy with the small things everyday, that we cannot even answer the simple question sometimes . . . what do I really want?

My tears were answering for me in that moment, what my mouth could not. “Search me, O God!”, was my prayer. It was like waking up. I could see more clearly the distant things that were beyond the present.

This passage comes from John Piper’s book, A Hunger For God. I have not read the book, but heard only this portion repeated on a podcast I was once listening to. It stopped me in my tracks, striking a cord deep inside of me. I wrote it down, knowing the power in those words and the true transformation possible, if lived out. Although I have written of this before, God is not done with it in my life, so here I am, presenting it to you again:)

During camp meeting last week, so many of the messages preached, referenced this very concept. We graze at the world’s table, pushing out desire for true hunger for God’s deeper things. If you have been mindlessly grazing, as it is so easy to do, I want to challenge you today, to look up and try to see what it is that you are truly hungry for.

How much do you want it it? It might be time for a fast . . .an emptying . . .a removal of something . . .to find the space which can be filled with MUCH greater. This is God’s design and purpose for us. There is so much more to be discovered!

Matthew 5:6 (KJV) . . .Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Be Filled With Greater!!

*John Piper, A Hunger For God

6 thoughts on “This Much

  1. I’m definitely listening and want more of God. It reminds me of the song, I Need More of You (I think is the title). I just don’t want it to be words I’m saying. I want to do more. Thanks for this.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. What Do I Really Want! Really made me stop and ponder upon this. Thank you for this thought this morning 🙏🏻 🙌🏻

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