I want to have Great Passion,

As I run this Christian RACE.

There’s a goal for the crown eternal,

When at last, I see my savior’s face.

There has to be something inside of me,

An intent and purpose to drive.

I can’t look around for excuses.

If I run to obtain the prize.

Many in this Earthly world,

Run for a corruptible crown,

To stand high upon a podium,

With pride, the gold they’ve found.

They have run so hard to obtain,

And said, NO to other things.

Small things not in line with the goal they seek,

That could weigh down all their progressing.

How much more then should I strive,

To pick up my comfortable pace,

Lay down every weight that holds me back,

From pursuing all God’s wondrous ways.

God’s Will for me- is the RACE,

To run in subjection to Him.

To push past all that would disqualify,

Holding back nothing, for the Passionate Win!

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

Author’s Look~

To have passion means you have to have emotion.

Something from inside you has to stir up the actions that you take toward something you desire. You have set the goal, and started the plan to obtain it, but along the journey, distractions, interruptions, and lack of motivation can all set in. When this happens, we are the the only ones who can find what it takes, from inside ourselves, to keep directing us toward our goal.

It is passion that drives our deepest desires, and will help us fight through all of the humanity that tries to hinder.

There are so many Earthly goals that we strive to meet and set the course to get there. Rev. Ron Becton was referring to that in this sermon about Passion in the Race . . . The Olympics. It is such a celebrated time for athletes who have worked so hard in hopes of standing on the center block of the podium and wearing the Gold.

They work hard, and make sacrifices.

Their Yes to the commitment of the Olympic Games, means No to other things in their life that do not bring value to that goal. They can’t get weighed down by things that don’t obtain to it.

No distractions. Eyes on the prize.

He preached that day of our desire for Heaven, and how we need to have that kind of Passion to meet that goal at the end of our life’s journey. We are running the Christian Race with our eyes on the prize of Heaven, where we will meet and live with our Savior forever!

We cannot get bogged down with distraction, annoyance or boredom. Eyes on the prize. Run the race that is set before you. Don’t stop. Keep your focus.

Let that emotion of your “why” burn within you and drive you to continue running no matter what!

No one or no thing can take that from you. It is yours to give or to keep. I pray you hold it close and let the embers of it’s fire burn hot – that your Passion in the Race glows strong!

Hebrews 12:1 (KJV) . . .Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

(vs.2). . .Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

He was the ultimate EXAMPLE!!

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