The time has come now, when all my grief is free,

To release it’s heavy burden, and make my eyes to see.

Just how hard it is to face, the reality of this trial,

Seeing that my faith was strong, and willing to go another mile.


I did not want to see, the result that seemed to scream,

In my mind and in my heart, I just wanted to see my dream.

But now the time has come, that finality has made it’s stand,

And I am left with more questions, of the reasons in demand.

Being only human, I don’t want to look to accuse,

I just want some peace to come, in the answers that I chose.

These answers come to me, from the faith I’ve had in you,

In all the years I’ve known you God, and this faith I’ll never lose.


I don’t understand the path, You chose for this to take,

I really want to trust your will, and know it’s for my sake.

In the loss that I’ve just faced, I know that there was some good.

Help me to remember this Lord, so I’ll always see you as I should.


Your lovingness and kindness, your comfort and your guide.

To me your ever child, you stay right by my side.

So, now the time has come, when I see your choice to be,

Not to calm this storm in life, but Jesus . . . You calm me.

Wendi Maddox

Authors Look~

Life brings SO MUCH for us to absorb with its highs and lows, ins and outs . . .to figure out, ride out or sometimes, let play out.

It is so easy to celebrate the highs and feel like we are winning during those times.

But . . . during the lows, it is a different story. It’s a story that we really don’t want to be a part of and definitely not any script for our life that we would have written. We are looking for that happy ending, the clean up- of the mess, and the ease- of the stress.

These times are the times in life that we get a reality check. It’s bigger than us. We don’t have the final say, and we don’t have control of everything.

Our hearts can be so disturbed by such a recognition, but can also be cradled by the appointing of God to take over the situation.

Why sit and worry with what you can’t change? Why not put it in the Hands of the One who can make a difference?

That sounds so good- sign you up- right? We go for it, and then we sit and wait for God to take care of it the way that WE want Him to. He is so much higher and so much wiser, so WHY would we ask Him to do it OUR way. HIS is so much better. He KNOWS. He does. We have to TRUST Him.

It may be that we come to see the choice wasn’t for God to calm the stormy waters of our life, but to calm us as we go through the storm. . . to bring the peace that passes understanding, and a calm that keeps us, as we trust Him with the results.

We walk many miles in our trials sometimes before we see that there are situations that are not going to change, but our perspective will. It will, if we allow it. It’s a choice we have to make when we want true peace.

Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) . . .Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.


It is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Preacher Prose Blog!!! This is a repost of the very first post I made on this blog, in March of 2020. It has been a great year of learning and growing, and I thank you for joining in on my journey.

I appreciate every time that you come to visit!

It encourages me to keep on doing this thing that God has called my heart to do. I pray always that in some way . . .the words that I place here, speaks to your heart.

God is so good!! I LOVE celebrating HIM with YOU!

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