Heaven is not imagined,

It is a measure of our days.

This place is not the ending,

But the grand beginning for always.

Living in glorified bodies,

With no sin or sorrow there.

We will work in fulfilling purpose,

With a joy we cannot compare.

Retaining our identity,

A different experience for us all.

God’s relationships are personal,

And Earthly rewards in Heaven call.

Life’s noise can get distracting,

And lesson our dreams of there.

But our brief life here should be directed,

By thoughts of what God’s beautifully prepared.

Heaven will put Earth into perspective,

Some day we will clearly see.

Tough times and suffering endured here,

Were but just a moment, towards our eternity.

We can’t get wrapped up in the present,

Greater things we are working for.

Be about the purpose of Heaven,

For Heaven is about the purpose of MORE.

Wendi Maddox

Authors Look~

I know, I know . . . none of us have been there and lived to tell it. Not really. Near Death Experiences are not the full experience. . . so, we read, study, dream and envision. We try to grasp for understanding of that great by and by.

What will it be like? Truly.

And eternity?!!!! Sit with that for a little bit and it will really freak your mind out to try to grasp the concept of it.

The Bible tells us enough, that we know we want to go there . . . To get to be with God for –FOREVER . . . Wow!

But, do we spend much of our short Earthly time here preparing for that destination? It can seem so far off- a dream . . . something for another time, so it does not get our attention here many times as it should. There is so much pulling at us here in the daily. Our focus is on now, not later. And, to some level that is expected and OK, but if it is all consuming, then we are not prepared for the next life to come. And, once it comes, it comes- it’s done- no changing it, no turning back.

There’s a saying that some people are so Heavenly minded that they are no Earthly good. I’m sure the reverse is much more true. We don’t give Heaven and our eternity enough thought and action here on Earth.

A lot of what I wrote here came from an interview I heard of Dr. Robert Jeffress being interviewed by Dr. James Dobson. What he was saying in that interview intrigued me. I wanted to hear more, so I listened to his audiobook A Place Called Heaven. The things Dr. Jeffress talks about in that book is still intriguing my mind. I won’t say more, but let you listen/read it if you so desire, and start your own thinking process about it:) It rekindled my burning desire to go there and has given me more intention for it.

I have thought once again of those who have been called home, and how they are now living out the rest of their life. Everything they faced on this Earth, good and bad, was just a small moment in the span of their eternity. The trials and the hardships, and all the negativity of a sin infested world . . . gone. That was just for a moment. The real life begins for them now, and it will last . . . FOREVER!

Are you prepared for your eternity? Do you give real time and thoughts toward it? Are you trying to tell others- helping them to remember?

We are not living for now, or just for ourselves- this will all pass. God has greater things for mankind, who He lovingly created. He came down and He died for us. He redeemed us. He paid the price for our sins. The ball is in our court. We have to make the move to God- to SALVATION.

We have to be about doing good here, for the rewards of Heaven. Good works won’t gain our salvation, but they will be rewarded in Heaven.

Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV) . . .Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, (2)looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Heaven’s purpose is for more . . . More life, more peace, more beauty, more songs, more love, more praise, more joy, more perspective, more provision, more EVERYTHING.

So much MORE than our minds can conceive!

The More our hearts and minds are on Heaven, the more we can do to ensure all of the MORE Heaven has for us!

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