Some who do not really know,

The life Christ brings to man.

Say Christianity is just a crutch,

For the weak who cannot stand.

The things of God are not real for them,

They do not understand.

How everything around them,

Has the touch of His mighty Hand.

David had that special gift,

To see God in the wind.

The Psalms are filled with praise and thought,

From this man who knew no end.

Of the Power and strength,

The shield and love, God held for all mankind.

How truth revealed could bring about,

A sound and peaceful mind.

A soul that knows it’s creator,

In a deep and personal way.

Knows the worth of praise to Him,

In a lifestyle day by day.

Seeing Him high and lifted up,

With His presence in everything.

Reaching out and touching deep,

The needs His creation brings.

God is so much more than a crutch,

To those who know His name.

He has proved Himself, throughout time,

Yesterday, Today, the Same.

Jehovah, Lord God Almighty,

Counselor, and Best Friend.

Shield and Buckler, my Hightower,

For the heart that needs to mend.

Glory to The Rock and Refuge,

Our Savior, and Healer, who restores.

He’s more than a crutch for a weekended soul,

He’s Redeemer~ Forevermore.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

This was a sermon preached by Rev. Ron Becton that definitely inspired my heart. It has been said more than one time, that Christianity is a CRUTCH . . .something made up for the weak ones, who cannot handle the stress and difficulties of life. A security blanket to psychologically get them through.

Well . . . .part of that is true:) The part that those who believe in the power of Jesus Christ DO lean on Him- ALWAYS-for EVERYTHING!

And personally, I am so very grateful to have God to lean on in this life! Especially when the winds of trouble want to blow, He is that great shelter from the storm, and He holds ALL POWER to do anything about it. That “anything” might just be to hold me and calm me, while I walk through it. I trust Him with whatever help He brings, and know that He is working all things for my good. He is that kind of loving Father.

But, He is SO MUCH MORE!

Believers know when they hear this crutch mentality spoken by someone, that they are speaking from inexperience. They do not know what they do not know. They have not experienced the redeeming, soul saving power of God in their lives. They have not been healed by Him. They have not been comforted, covered or counseled by His ministering Spirit.

There is not anything that is not touched by God’s hand. He is the creator of us and our world, and His magnificence is seen all around us.

It’s a troubled world that we live in for sure, but we don’t live in it alone. There is not one single thing that we cannot take to God -knowing in confidence- that He cares. He loves us, and He died to REDEEM us! He knows that this world is not our home. He has built a home for us in Heaven where we can be with him forevermore. What an incredible God He is!!

The troubles of this Earth will soon be forgotten, but the Savior who paid the high price for our salvation, will be glorified throughout all of the ages, as we sing His praises for ALL that He is to those who believe in His name!

Hebrews 13:8(KJV) . . . Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.

God and His GREATNESS never changes!!!

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