RElief can feel like a savior,

To REduce the pressing tide.

No longer in the waters,

Where anxiety’s hold REsides.

New breath that’s so REviving,

Channeling through REstored lungs.

Bringing it’s own REsilience,

To embrace what is to come.

REnewed in Hope forthcoming,

Yesterday has been REformed.

REmorse has no way of knowing,

It cannot taunt the one REborn.

REflection lends a gentle hand,

To RElate the lessons learned.

Rightly there REminding,

RElinquish it all unto the Lord.

REspect the Love He’s given,

REsolve to lift Him high!

REfuse to doubt His favor,

REalize His REST for your weary mind.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

Yes, I was having some fun here with the play on RE words:) Once it started in my mind, the flow continued, and I realized just how many of them can be relatable to the same purpose. The purpose that I had in mind was REST, which is something most everyone could use a little more of. We live in a fast paced daily grind that many times does that very thing to us. We can find ourselves ground up and in a heap, not wanting to lift our head, much less deal with another one of THOSE days.

This is a reminder of where you get your strength. If you are digging from within day after day, there will come a moment of despair, when you realize, there is nothing left. We can’t give to ourselves what is needed to deal with this world and its pace. Anxiety can quickly rule the roost of your heart and mind without you even realizing it until the one day, the “big show” reveals it. You find yourself drowning . . . gasping for fresh air to breathe. . .but you don’t have to stay there. There is RELIEF, there is RESTORATION, and there is REST. There is RESILIENCE in a HOPE for tomorrow!

It is all in God

Go ahead and do some REFLECTING and see what adjustments you need to make. REALIZE that you don’t have to walk these days alone. God is there lovingly waiting for you to recognize your need for him in every moment of every day. He wants you to RELINQUISH your cares to Him and find that RESTORED hope only He can bring. A new day is a new start and yesterday is in the past. There is REST for you in THIS day.

I Peter 5:7 (ESV) . . . Casting all of your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Start your day by putting the whole day in His hands and trusting Him with it. Know that in everything you face, He is there with you. RESPECT the love He has given to you and REFUSE to doubt His favor.

Rest in Him and find the reasons for the REST!

4 thoughts on “REST

  1. I woke up extra early one day this week, thinking about a lot of things…
    just thinking of all the things I had going on and some family and friends who are having some health problems. I decided to just get on up and start my prayer early.
    I had to just give him all the things… most are out of my hands and not in my control anyway.
    After prayer and releasing it allll back to him. Who is the one that’s in control. I could start my day with a lighter heart ♥️ a song and a praise on my lips 🎶
    Before me, behind me, and ever beside me…🙌 no I’m am not alone.

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