Crossing over Jordan,

Was what Israel had to do.

The Promise Land awaited,

So much longer than they knew.

Leadership was chosen,

Their bondage now set free.

Directions had been given,

For their destiny to see.

One essential thing was needed,

To complete this trialed path.

Faith in God and His promised word,

No room for doubt’s cruel laugh.

Stepping into the Jordan,

To see God’s word still come to pass,

Released His power to mightily move,

On a blessing that would last.

You find yourself the same,

In your Jordan you must cross.

Looking for enormous Faith,

That will shadow all the cost.

Surrender to the Master,

And all He says to do.

Trusting in the process,

Believing His word is TRUE.

It’s a turning point of deliverance,

Leaving behind what’s held you bound.

It’s walking in true freedom,

With great joy so fully found,

God’s promises are waiting,

Just beyond what is in view.

Crossing over YOUR Jordan,

To what God has called you to.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

I heard this Sunday School lesson taught by a childhood friend of mine-Jim House, while visiting my parent’s church in KY. It is always a good lesson to hear, and I was reminded that morning of the relevance it has in each of our lives today.

Crossing Jordan was a big deal because it was the final leg of a 40 yr. journey that signified true freedom from oppression. The Isrealites were crossing over slavery, disappointment, discouragement, and finding the promises of God to be true. It was deliverance time!!! This was a monumental moment they gave reverence to.

What is Your Jordan?

Do you find yourself staring across your Jordan you must cross? What is it that God has called you to that stands before you so deep and wide? Whatever it is, will require FAITH to trust God’s plan for you. Not knowing the end result can be pretty daunting, so faith takes our hand to say “Let’s trust Him on this journey.” “Let’s take that first step into that muddy water.”

You reel into action, as you make that decision to take the first step in and get your feet wet. There will be some uncomfortable moments that push every doubt you ever had up to the forefront of your mind. You may question yourself and even God, “Could this really be it? ” “Is this what you have called me to, Lord?” Trust and make yourself ready for this incredible journey that will change your future.


Jordan is a turning point and one that must be prepared for. Israel was given instructions before this crucial moment arrived.

Joshua 3:5 (KJV) . . . Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

There were other directions Joshua gave to the Israelites in those scriptures, so to make certain that they were all ready. You must do that same and prepare for what God has given you to do, because the decision you make will be a turning point your life.

Go for it

Take that step and don’t be afraid. Whatever God has called you to, He will provide and part the waters that stand before you. He will make a way for a faithful heart taking the steps to follow His will and way. There is NO obstacle that can stand before the Lord, and there is EVERY blessing for those who make the decision to follow His plan for their lives. You can TRUST God.

Step into Your Jordan!

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