We were separated,

Stretching a long distance far and wide.

Sin had carved this great chasm,

Our hearts had chased its boding lies.

Fallen into such darkness,

Stained with the ills of its store.

Only the blood of a savior,

Could bring hope to dance once more.

Corruptible things cannot restore,

There was a ransom we could not pay.

We were in desperate need of a savior,

Who could rectify our ways.

Jesus was that champion,

The only true savior we could know,

A lamb without spot or blemish,

His precious blood He gave to flow.

We were ransomed, pardoned and reconciled,

Rectified, we were close once again.

Cleansed by the blood, our sins were washed,

To the UTMOST, Jesus stepped in.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

Today is Good Friday. It has always seemed like such a twist on words, as the good was for us, but not for our Savior who suffered so much torture and died for us. This is what we pause to think about on this day. The ultimate sacrifice that was made . . . for us. We were saved to the UTMOST!

I wrote this based on a sermon given by Rev. Ron Becton, as he gave us a good word to ponder and study on during Holy Week, from Passover to Easter. He gave the account of all the events that took place for Jesus during that time, and why it was done. It was done to save us . . . to the UTMOST.


Mankind was lost and undone. We were doomed from our sins that had separated God and man, and He knew we needed a Savior. Compassion for His creation, brought Him down, robed in flesh, to begin the journey that would redeem us. The price to pay was high, as it would take the blood of a spotless lamb. Only Jesus was spotless, and only His blood was the blood that could be shed to wash away the sins of mankind. He suffered greatly, bled and died on that cross for you, for me, for all. Jesus saves to the UTMOST.

1 John 1:7 (KJV) . . . But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanest us from all sin.


I pray that you will take a moment to pause today just to say, “THANK YOU JESUS. Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for paying the debt I owed. Thank you for your love, and thank you for cleansing, redeeming and reconciling me to you. I have hope now, for my life and eternity.”

Jesus stepped in, to the UTMOST!!

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