Fret not because of what you see,
Fret not to think that evil leads.
Fret not to think God’s word be in vein,
Fret not to remember His peace is your stay.
For in time, the forward gain that you believe,
Of the evil one will fall, for the things that they cleave.
They are living for own self, and doing things their way,
It will not stand in the end,
God will have His say.
Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give your heart’s desires,
Forsake the path of wrath, that will block true peace and power.
Trust in the Lord, and wait on Him,
Let His law be in your heart.
Don’t be deceived by evil gains,
God’s justice will impart.
For the arms of the wicked shall be broken:
But the Lord upholdeth the righteous. (vs.17)
Fret not to see truth will display
God’s voice is the power inside us.
Wendi Maddox
~Author’s Look
This writing came out of Psalms 37. It was the chapter that my daughter and I were studying that month for her homeschool Bible course.
As we read it over and over every day, the message began to sing in my heart. Fret not . . .Fret not. . .Fret not. . . .
We get so panicked when we see someone who appears to be winning, while knowing their divisive ways are not God’s own.
It’s not fair! How could that be. It appears that they are being rewarded for selfish living and indulgence, and it can make us step back and question. . . should we be doing that too? Is that what it takes to get ahead? God’s way is not working, we think, so maybe this is the way.
Psalms 37:1 (KJV) Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious agains the worker of iniquity.
Don’t be deceived. God’s way is ALWAYS the best way. He knows what’s up, when no one else does. He holds ALL power in HIS hands, and in HIS time, He will bring to pass what He has declared to be.
He’s not in a hurry just because we are.
Don’t be fooled. Evil will not prevail. It’s momentary victories will be swallowed up in justice.
EVERYONE shall answer to a Holy God some day for the choices we make and the paths we walk down. Let the power of His voice speaking to your heart, propel the truths that you put on display.
Love this..fret not, trust and wait on God!!