God’s House is a place

Where we so often come and go,

We are dedicated to His service

But our hearts sway to and fro.

His house is just a place,

Just a place of where to start.

For the place is not the Spirit,

God’s Spirit moves the heart.

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon told

Of the people in his time,

Who entered into the temple and left again,

With no change to their heart and mind.

Just to be seen

Or to feel good, it was done,

They faithfully came

But God’s presence was shunned.

Vanity he said,

Was the sore tragedy here.

They were always in God’s place,

But missed His presence so very near.

We all have a choice

When we enter into His place,

To tap into His Spirit

And let it change us by God’s grace.

We enter in one gate

Knowing God is always there,

Authentic worship sends us

Through a new gate

That He’s prepared.

Don’t leave the way you came,

A difference can be made.

It takes intentionality,

For God’s presence to make a change.

The Place and The Presence

Which we seek will ultimately show

The place of the Holy is waiting

For our hearts to eternally know.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

Another great message by a minister reminding the congregation gathered to not just “be there” for the sake of coming, but to “get in there” -into the presence of the Holy Spirit that is moving and working in our midst.

Rev. Ron Becton was referencing those in Solomon’s day who would just go to the Temple religiously for show. They wanted to be seen there and to be known as “a good person” for regular attendance to the Temple, but they were not letting it change them and turn from their wickedness.

Their mistake was putting all of their effort into going, and not letting what was in the Temple-God’s presence, move into their hearts and change them, restore them, and revive them.

They came in one way and left the same way, all the while feeling accomplished as they checked the box of “Temple attendance”.

‘I was seen there’, was their goal. Solomon saw the shame of it all, as there was great wealth to be gained in the presence of God, if only they would have gone inside to actually seek it.

Ecclesiastes 8:10 NIV. . . .Then too, I saw the wicked buried-those who used to come and go from the holy place and receive praise in the city where they did this. This too is meaningless.

We are no different today, and Rev. Becton called out to us the warning of falling into that same trap. We can feel like we did our religious duty by attending church services, and we are confirmed by those around who saw us. We deem ourselves “good” and all the while, God is waiting for us to approach His throne of grace and love, to be enveloped into His presence that can change our hearts forever.

We can leave differently than when we came. We will be better for the time that we spent in His presence, and not just leave the same, having checked the “church attendance” box.

The Place is NOT The Presence.

EVERY time that we enter His PLACE, may we be intentional about seeking His PRESENCE!

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