What’s in the heart,

The true source of what flows.

Out into the waters,

Of other hearts that you know.

Reaching to discover,

What’s buried deep within.

Can be found in the telling,

Of the heart’s blowing wind.

The fruit of a person,

Begins with the seed.

The heart’s revealing harvest,

Authenticates their tree.

Out of the mouth, truth is spoken,

To expose the heart’s intent.

While the heart drives all the actions,

Showing up to represent.

There’s no hiding in the shadows,

The fruit we bear to give.

Love will speak the loudest,

If our heart knows how to live.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

As today is Valentine’s Day, many of us focus on The Heart, and all of the feels swimming around our various relationships. Whether it is a lover, family member or friend, we try to express the love and gratitude we hold within our hearts for one another.

I have heard some say that they don’t like to be told when (Valentine’s Day) to show love, and we should do it every day. That is a true concept given to us from Jesus, who said to ‘Love above all things’. This would mean daily, but it is not always a feat that we conquer as human beings, so it is nice to have a nationally recognized day to bring our focus in on something so important.

The Heart’s Fruit

When writing of ‘The Heart’, my inspiration came straight from the Word of God. Jesus, while ministering here on Earth, made sure to teach His message of Love, and He explained how it starts with the condition of our heart.

The mouth speaks and heart acts, all revealing the truth and substance of who we are. The truth of our tree will show in the fruit that we bear. We can say we are one thing, but the truth will show in the words that we speak and the actions that we take. That’s the revealing, leading to the knowing.


Once our fruit is reveled, we have to know how to either keep it, or change it, but you will never be able to hide it. Eventually, all will be revealed, and if bad fruit shows up, it is an opportunity to take steps to make a change for the true fruit you wish to bear. Who is it that you want to be? How do you want to represent Christ? How do you want to make others feel?

Your answers will help to form a plan. Get rid of what needs to be gone from your life, your mind, your heart and tongue. Renew yourself in God and start afresh. Cultivate a true relationship with Him that will begin to grow His fruits in your life and yield a harvest that shows through your words and actions.


We have to stay on our toes in this world, as we rub elbows with many; so while interacting with various people, spirits and personalities, we need to keep our hearts positioned to interact in a Godly way. We only have control of what is springing out of us and as Proverbs tells us, we want to keep our heart vigilantly, so that our heart may spring forth with a life giving flow.

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