Our daily’s filled with moving,
Where we sprinkle all around.
The substance that we carry,
From inside our heart is found.
A season that’s well given,
With the salt that it provides.
Improves the atmosphere surrounding,
The soul whose’s passing by.
Spirits wafting unsteady,
Leaves a void that makes others feel.
Empty of the saltines,
Where peace can be revealed.
Our substance must be flavored,
With the salt and light that God provides.
Seasoned in His presence,
Where saltiness of peace abides.
Wendi Maddox
Author’s Look~
Salty Sweetness is a bit of a contradiction to the trend of today, where being salty is a negative derision, and seen as something to avoid being. Yet, we still sit at our dinner tables and shake salt over our food to enhance the flavor of what sits before us, waiting to be devoured and enjoyed. If after sprinkling our food, we found the salt had lost its saltiness, it would have lost its value to us. It didn’t do its job, seasoning is lacking, disappointment has been served and peace finds no place there. The salt didn’t bring out anything good, and the lack of that, is a signal for refreshing.
Mark 9:50 (KJV). . . Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltiness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another
Salty Sweetness
Jesus used the salt scenario to relate to us and how we affect the world we rub elbows with daily. He was very direct to those who follow Him by saying . . . Have some substance. Have some flavor that ignites desire from those you are around, for the things of God. Sprinkle it about as you go, and season the Earth, leaving it better than you found it. Enhance it. Find substance and salt peace.
Jesus wants to see our actions draw others to find the salt we are seasoned with, which enriches and brings joy, and in joy is where peace will be found. Salt enhances by bringing out the good which is already there. When we are bringing out the good and sprinkling salt on others to do the same, peace will be the result. We are at peace with each other when we know that what is good, is being enhanced.
You may find yourself feeling bland, and in a loss of saltiness. Go to the source- the Well, to be seasoned once again in God’s presence. Let it wash over you and empower you to be salt and light to others around you. That is where you will find salt and peace come together in a perfect salty sweetmess.
Ye Are the Salt of the Earth . . .Matt. 5:13
Find Your Substance!
I want to be the salt 🧂 of the earth… salt makes people thirsty 💧
So True!!!