He Keeps me
He knows me
He lifts me
He strengthens me
He moves me
He reaches me
He holds me
He tells me
He loves me
He loves me
He loves me
Wendi Maddox
Author’s Look~
Life can be hard. Humans don’t always know how to navigate all the issues and situations that are thrown at us . . .all during the process of just being. Hurts and disappointments can be new or old, but they give the same stabbing thrust that drives our emotions and actions. We don’t always know where to turn, and at times just feel that there is not a human being alive, who truly understands.
This piece was found tucked away in a notebook that is over 15 years old. I sat down and wrote these words in a time when I was feeling the power of a God who really KNEW me, and who LOVED me . . . NO MATTER WHAT! That is a priceless treasure to know.
There are times that I just go to Jesus for that very comfort, that only He can give. I may not have the answers that I am looking for, and I may not have the issues and situations that are weighing me down, figured out. But, I can find a release in the fatigue of the conflict, by letting His arms come around me, as His Holy Spirit reaches for me and He tells me that . . .He loves me, He loves me, He loves me.
King Solomon, with his blessed wisdom, prayed this prayer in IIChrononicles 6:14 (KJV) And he said, O Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts:
There is no greater love than that of Jesus, and it will minister to any soul. We are all God’s children, and He loves us NO MATTER WHAT. He can help us to figure it out, to find our way, and to do what needs to be done. But, we first have to acknowledge WHO He is and His MIGHTY POWER. When we invite Him into that space, the whole atmosphere changes. He can lift us up above the circumstances, and divinely direct our paths as we try to love the way that we are allowing and accepting, His love for us.
God is Greater and His Love is Mighty. Don’t ever doubt it.
You are not alone.
Loved it ๐๐
Thank you!!!!!!