It started in my earliest memories,

Of Sunday School days long ago.

Teacher told us of a great beyond,

Where we could live with God one day.

I tried to clearly envision,

All of the grand luxury she described.

To grasp the concept of living forever,

And hush fear’s worry of unknown ways.

We sang songs and tried to dream of

This grand and glorious land.

It set my heart to longing,

To seek what God’s prepared.

Much Earthly time has gone now,

And the noise of life’s grown loud.

Its seems to quiet the longing

As the present day is declared.

But it only takes a moment,

Of reflecting in a loss.

When again I am reminded,

This world is not my place.

It’s just a stop on the way to,

That grand and and glorious home,

There is much more to be lived for,

To course my human race.

My mind goes back to Teacher,

And what she told me of that day

The dream is real and coming,

And with love, she pointed the way.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look ~

Ah, those days of childhood Sunday School. . .it really seems not that long ago. So much excitement and yearning was stirred in our young hearts for this place called HEAVEN. I remember lying in bed at night, trying to distract my mind to sleep. I would try to imagine just exactly what living for ETERNITY really meant. On and on and on and on and on . . .then I would stop. It was just too much to comprehend. Oh, but she said that I would see Jesus face to face! I would imagine that for a while, and play out a couple of conversations looking Him in the eye. That also would end up being too much for my little mind to hold on to, before drifting off to sleep.

Life gets busy in a hurry and before I knew it, SOMEDAY was a blur. I was too caught up in TODAY, and a little of TOMORROW to give true time to daydreams of HEAVEN. I still believed in it, and set my course to arrive there when the time came. But my yearning had wained. It had been drowned out by the current demands that I had let take center stage of my heart and mind. I was forgetting my place, and THIS wasn’t it!

Much of that hurrying can come to a grinding halt, when Earthly loss is experienced. All of a sudden, the truth is revealed once again. This isn’t it! This is not what we are living for. There is an ETERNAL reward waiting for those who have coursed their race to win it.

This week held one such day of reminding. I sat in a good-bye for now service of a saint of God- Sis. Judy Tyler. She too was a Sunday School teacher at one time, telling about that place called HEAVEN. She believed it and she lived for it- heart and soul. A quote we heard told of her by Sis. Cheryl Becton summed her life up so well. She said, “Sis. Judy’s transition from Earth to Heaven and eternity won’t be as much of a change as it may be for some. Her thoughts, conversations and activities were consistently and genuinely set on Things Above. She lived her entire life with one foot already heaven.”

THAT is the way to live on Earth . . . Just one prayer away from the throne of God, knowing we are just one breath away from ETERNITY with Him.

Sis. Judy knew that those grand things learned in Sunday School are true, and though we mourn for loss here on Earth, a MIGHTY reunion is waiting- where we will worship Our King, together, FOREVER.

I Corinthians 2:9 (ESV). . .But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”

Home Sweet Home!

3 thoughts on “FOREVER HOME

  1. Heaven certainly “gets sweeter” as the days go by. Thanks Wendi for this reminder that I’m “just passing through”.

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