Fighting inside to win the war,

Raging ferociously over me.

I would not desire to entertain,

What peruses my mind so obligingly.

Bombardment of negativity,

Clouds the truth I know to be.

Indulging its delightful poison,

Digging neural pathways constantly.

Letting the messages ruminate,

The same stories on repeat.

Flowing freely through the course,

My mind’s channeled wide and deep.

Lies are offered retention,

Accepting messages that defeat.

Recessing in their banter,

This poison injects my soul to keep.

Internal defenses come to remind me,

It’s a choice I get to make.

I decide upon the highway

Navigating my mind to take.

A new message is the freeway

Overpassing all of the lies.

A positive, strong decision,

Can change the trajectory of my life.

It all begins inside the mind,

Before success or failure begins.

Capability rides within me,

For this decisive war to joyfully win.

Wendi Maddox

Author’s Look~

Do you believe that? What is your message? What is the story that you repeatedly tell yourself to believe? Whatever that message is, gives the data from which the mind operates, and it is a powerful tool flowing within the neural pathways dug deep from the many times we channel the same thought. An accepted thought can know its place and just constantly flow if no effort is made to stop it.

Falling For It

So many times we fall to the negative stories that feel so much easier to believe than the positive ones. The poison of negativity becomes delightful when we let it become the easy button for excuses and lack of effort to change the story that it is feeding and directing us. It is easier to believe we can’t, than to do the work to prove that we can.

Fear gain’s its own foothold in the game of negativity, for when we accept the stories of the lies, we lock ourselves into our own cell of timidity. Fear’s buddy, Stress worms its way in to this mental game, as the message that has us paralyzed ruminates continually within our minds. Not only do we now have ourselves convinced that we cannot handle or change a situation, but we baste in the stress that fear layers on top.

Taking Control

This is not what God created us and our magnificent minds for, and it is not where He desires to see His children living. We cannot reach our potential if we waste away in the negative lies that try to control our minds. We have to take our thoughts captive!!! We have a choice of what plays in our minds, and it starts with a decisive acton to reject the false narrative that we have been living under, and change the story that we tell ourselves.

Start Over

A NEW story must begin for new thoughts to flow through new channels to produce new actions. God tells us in His Word. . . Think on these things and put the things of God into practice. . .for there is where the PEACE of God lies. When we line our thought life up with God, peace is our companion. . .not fear and stress. God is the confidence of our mind and the peace of our hearts. Let His thoughts rewrite the story of your mind and watch the power of that story make a difference in your life.

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